Sewing School
We are now in our second year with the sewing school. We just had our first graduation February 26th, 2023. It was the very first class that graduated in Ti Rivier. The sewing school is bringing sewing skills to make uniforms for the schools, dress shirts for church, and many other articles of clothing. This will bring an income to the family to support themselves.
We are needing to purchase more sewing machines and necessary supplies. If you are interested in helping us accomplish this goal, please contact us.
Needs for the sewing school:
3 more machines -2 non-electric and 1 electric
Rulers/scissors, misc supplies $200
chuck papers $200
4 ceiling fans with lights @$150 each =$460
The school has two separate classes. It is a two-year course that will include a diploma at the end. Any donation will help to cover costs of this school.
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.